RobbJack Speeds and Feeds

Extensive research has gone into developing the speed and feed recommendations found in this online calculator. This speed and feed program is designed specifically for use with RobbJack tools.  Tools made by other manufacturers may not be able to run at the same speeds and feeds recommended for ours.

The recommendations in this speed and feed program are a maximum limit and are based on ideal conditions. These speeds and feeds should be considered a starting point for machining. The user must take into consideration the rigidity and capability of the machine tool, part geometry, and fixturing to determine if the recommended speeds and feeds should be adjusted based on machining conditions.

We have made efforts to ensure that the information in this program is clear and accurate and shall not be held responsible for any inadvertent errors in content or interpretation or application of the information. Use of the program indicates consent to and agreement with the End User License Agreement.


  1. Choose the application type at the top of the screen for which you would like to find speed and feed information; End Mills or Saws. If you are using Metric tools click on the metric option button.
  2. Enter all of the required input parameters; the maximum machine horsepower, maximum spindle RPM, maximum feed rate, tool cutting diameter (not shank diameter), and the total depth of cut.  Use the option buttons to select type of cut, fixturing strength, end type, and program type.
  3. Choose a type of material from the drop down list, and the specific grade that you’re cutting. If you do not find the material grade you want, choose to “Show all Types” from the “Type” drop down list, and then select the desired material grade.  If you selected a hardened die/mold material, an additional option button allows you to select whether your cutting area is open or tight.
  4. When you have filled out and selected all the input parameters choose “Submit”. This will return the speed and feed results for the criteria you entered, for roughing and finishing tools where applicable, with the recommended RobbJack tool. Scroll down on the page to see the finishing tool. Note that when no reference data is available for your input parameters (i.e. non-typical machining profiles), the result may be to contact RobbJack application support for assistance.
  5. You may change a single field on the input side and re-submit to obtain new recommendations. For example: if you only wish to change tool diameter you may leave all other inputs the same, change the diameter and re-submit the form.
  6. You may change from Standard to Metric at any time and the program will display the appropriate converted figures.
  7. Use the “Reset” button to completely clear all fields and enter new information.
  8. You may also change values on the output side for any of the fields which are not “grayed out”. For example, if you wish to change the number of flutes: 1. Highlight the number. 2. Change the number. 3. Hit enter or tab. Changes will update the appropriate fields.
  9. To view the details for tool recommendations, click on the “Buy Now” information.

If you have any problems using the program or if you get questionable results please contact the RobbJack Applications Department at 800.527.8883.
